Friday, July 3, 2009

Great Resources

Humility and learning. It takes a measure of the former to achieve the full benefit of the latter.
Here's a couple of great resources that I turn to over and over again: "The Idea of the Writer" and a video produced by MIT titled "Televisions Great Writer". I urge repeated examination of these materials. I've found it's been worth every minute of my time. It's also been my experience that more and more is revealed every time I consult them. I have learned so much, and continue to learn every time I approach them with a "right heart". Continuous reference to these, combined with repeated viewings of available DVDs and other recorded, broadcasted episodes have been the catalyst of my increased understanding. Light bulbs are constantly illuminated over my head, "That's where that comes from" or "That's what that's all about", and other expressions are common as I revisit them on a regular basis. I hope you benefit from these at least as much as I have. As for me, I'm still working out all that it means to: "Rest transparently in the Spirit that gives us rise".


  1. I agree, I have listened to those repeatedly and they're great. You should also check out "The Writer's Spirit." it costs some coin, but Milch shines in those as well.

  2. thanks for the suggestion. I looked it up immediately, and as first impressions goes, it looks like just what I'm looking for. I've already began to make inquiries. I'm hoping to get my hands on this material soon and let those that are interested know more about it.

  3. Have you ever had the pleasure of meeting David? He is an amazing human being. You are so right when you say there is meaning in everything he says and does. I have the incredible fortune to count him as a friend. He has recently been a mentor to me in helping with my dark past and getting through it. I am really not highly educated when it comes to the levels Dave is capable of speaking on, but strangely don't ever feel the need to be. He has an amazing gift of being able to articulate whatever his message is on whatever level he needs to with the person or persons he is trying to reach. Whats more amazing is that I instantly put all my faith and trust in him as not a writer, but more importantly a human being. The best thing about the lessons he has blessed me with are the things that happen day in and day out over the course of time. What I mean by that is there were so many things he talked to me about that I didn't quite comprehend while I sat and listened, but became so crystal clear over time. I believe we crossed paths for a reason and he was a gift to me from a higher power , and I can simply tell you he saved my life and I am truly blessed to have him as a part of my life as a friend and mentor.

  4. Hello L,

    Thank you for taking the time to post your comments. I enjoyed reading every word you wrote. No, I've never met David. But if you can know someone from his work, then I'd like to think I've learned a little about what he may be like. He certainly seems to be a very open person. One thing that also seems rather apparent from what I've learned is that he seems exceedingly loyal to the people he works with, so it comes as no surprise that he's that way in his personal relationships. Again, I'm grateful you came forth with your personal experience. Best wishes to you and all those who are important to you. Take care.

  5. Did you have any luck in getting hold of 'The Writer's Spirit'? I've been trying and failing to find this for several years now... No leads for this one either (same producer): 'Without a Net - creating NYPD Blue.'

    Likewise, I'm slightly obsessed by Milch and the way he creates.

  6. Hello Matt,

    Thanks for stopping by. No, I've had no luck either trying to obtain the elusive projects from Marc Ostrick. I tried to contact him at his website and sent emails twice,-
    Very disappointed, but I'm going to keep at it. Keep your fingers crossed and as soon as I find out anything I'll post it immediately. Thanks again Matt for stopping by, good fortune to you and all who you care about.
